Service Provision

What can local authorities expect from Anchor Foster Care Services?

Our Service Provision: we provide foster family placements to support children from different family circumstances and backgrounds.

We offer different Placement Levels and a range of Placement Types to meet the differing needs of individual children and young people referred to us for a potential match with a foster family.

As the experience of all children coming into foster care involves trauma of some kind, our approach to supporting foster placements is increasingly being underpinned by therapeutic principles at all levels.

Levels of Placement

Our service provision allows for different levels of placements to ensure that children and young people are appropriately placed with the right level of agency input and support to meet their needs. The service provision is based on a full exchange and careful consideration of information during the matching process.

Standard Level Placement

Definition: Standard Fostering Placements are offered to Children and Young People who
have not been assessed as having significant complex and specialist needs and who are not
in need of consistent and/or intensive intervention for longer periods of time, and who remain
within or close to their local boundary.

Specialist Level Placement

Definition: Specialist Fostering Placements are offered to Children and Young People who
have complex needs, either existing or historical. This includes the provision for Children and Young People:

  • Who are in crisis
  • Who demonstrate significantly challenging behaviours and need therapeutically
  • trained carers and therapeutic and/or counselling provision
  • Who have experienced many Placement disruptions and/or have a high level of need
  • Who have issues of continuous missing and/or demonstrate risk taking behaviours
  • both to themselves and others
  • Who need support in relation to significant attachment issues, significant substance
  • misuse or effects of parental substance misuse
  • Who need support in relation to offending and/or inappropriate sexualised behaviours
  • Who need support in relation to multiple and profound disabilities and/or have
  • complex medical needs and high level of medical appointments
  • Who have profound mental health difficulties
  • With complex contact needs
  • Who require a solo placement that precludes the placement of another foster child
  • Who are Parent and Child placements with complex needs
  • Who would benefit from being placed in an intensive support fostering environment
  • as a step down from Children’s Homes or for prevention into Children’s Homes

Apart from the mainstream fostering service, we also provide the following complimentary services;

Family Contact

We provide a supervised family contact in our own warm, friendly and yet professional facility for birth families to meet with their children.

Conference & Contact Suite facilities

Our Conference & Family Contact Suite situated in a convenient and easily accessible location with ample parking offers conference and family contact facilities at affordable rates.