Advice and support when you need it

We’re here, whenever you need us, but if you can’t speak to us, then we’ve compiled a whole host of other resources to help.

Here's everything you might need


Anchor is a Not-For-Profit agency

This means we only care about providing the best care rather than making a profit. Because that’s they way it should be, shouldn’t it?


Links & Advice Lines

We aim to provide the best support and care for the children who are in the care of our foster parents. If you need to speak to us to report a problem, or to request some help, then you can email us at any time. 

But we also know that you might not want to talk to us directly, so here are some other people you can talk to. These help and advice lines are all designed to support you.

Childline – 0800 1111

Young Minds – 0808 802 5544

BBC Stay Safe



Counselling Directory

Think U Know


Talk to Frank

National Deaf Children’s Society

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics

Coram Voice

Catch 22

Rees – The care leavers foundation

Youth Hubs

National Careers Service